The Chaos of Transgenderism
There is a lot of confusion about “gender” and the idea that one can be “born in the wrong body” and that your birth sex can magically be changed through the use of sex-change hormones and surgery. Families are torn apart as men leave their wives and families to pursue the delusion that they can transform themselves into women.
The following articles provide some insight into the chaos of “transgenderism.”
What Is Gender?
~ Why I Refuse to Use the Word “Gender” Except for Grammar ~ You hear a lot about gender these days, especially the new term ”transgender.” The term may not seem new, because it has been heard a lot in schools and colleges, as well as in the media, websites, magazines, television, and Hollywood. However, … Read more
Men and Women Are Different and This Cannot Be Changed
~ Men and women have many fundamental and Biblical differences which cannot be changed ~ Tonight a young man waited on me in the photo department of my local Walgreens. He was trying hard to look like a girl, but when he greeted me, he had a deep, masculine voice. That wasn’t his only giveaway….
~ Men and women have many fundamental and Biblical differences which cannot be changed ~ Tonight a young man waited on me in the photo department of my local Walgreens. He was trying hard to look like a girl, but when he greeted me, he had a deep, masculine voice. That wasn’t his only giveaway….
Men & Women Are Different: The Problems with Transitioning
Men & Women Are Different As discussed in Men & Women Are Different & This Cannot Be Changed, there are many differences between men and women that go down to the cellular level and into the DNA. Being born a female is not an…
Effect of the ‘Transgender’ Lifestyle on Spouses
~ The Effect of the “Transgender” Lifestyle on Their Spouses—Why spouses of those pursuing “transgenderism” need resources ~ I lost my husband in 2022. It took a year for him to pass. It was the hardest year of my life as I mourned the passing of my spouse the entire year. For although he is … Read More
A Spouse’s Gender Dysphoria by Proxy
A heartbroken wife shares her grief over her husband’s “gender dysphoria” Updated May 26, 2022 You hear a lot about “gender dysphoria” today. Up until 2013 and continuing into 2017 in some publications, the condition of a man thinking he was a woman or a woman believing she was a man on the inside, was … Read more
The trans 'Hero' in Matt Walsh's documentary 'What is a woman' silences an entire room of reporters in a live press conference about 'medically transitioning children!"