Special: Preview the world of Narnia and Dawn Treader - sneak peek photos here!
Special: Preview the world of Narnia and Dawn Treader - sneak peek photos here - Nashville Gospel Music & Entertainment Examiner The Christmas holidays are bringing the world of Narnia to Nashville as the 3rd movie installment of "The Chronicles of Narnia" comes to theaters on Friday, December 10. As reported in ' Voyage of the Dawn Treader' trailer previews on Christian websites; sneak peek link here , through an unusual partnership between 20th Century Fox, Walden Media and Christian websites, gospel-centered sites were given some exclusive coverage including the Exclusive Sneak Peek of 'Voyage Of The Dawn Treader ,' which Christian Activities carried here. Also See: ’Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ trailer previews on Christian websites; sneak peek link here - Nashville Gospel Music & Entertainment Examiner A select group of Christian websites, including Nashville's Christian Activities , was given the rare opportunity to “break” t...