Brandy goes home; Bristol Palin goes to finals on ’Dancing with the Stars’
Brandy goes home; Bristol Palin goes to finals on ’Dancing with the Stars’ -
Nashville Gospel Music & Entertainment Examiner
In a turn of events that caught many by surprise, including Derek Hough whose jaw literally dropped, the combination of the heaviest viewer voting ever seen this far into the "Dancing with the Stars" competition combined with the judges' scores sent Brandy and Maks home in the Week 9 Results Show.
Also See:
Brandy Leaves 'Dancing with the Stars' Semi-Finals Week 9 Results Show; Bristol Palin Heads to Finals
Bristol Palin - Yes, She Can!
At the end of the Week 9 show of Season 11 of "Dancing with the Stars," the judges' scores looked like this: Jennifer Grey - 60; Kyle Massey - 58; Brandy - 57; and Bristol Palin
- 53. Some viewers wondered if the teenager from Alaska would survive being at the bottom of the leader board again. Could Bristol Palin make it to the finals? To paraphrase a popular political campaign: "Yes, she can!"