November Nostalgia -- a Fall Poem
Kathryn E. Darden, Yahoo Contributor Network
The last golden leaves
The colors so bright,
Colors we rarely see
Still the colors remain -
As each autumn returns
Crimson, scarlet reds,
'Til the last golden leaves
The last golden leaves
Fell from the trees
And blew in the breeze.
The colors so bright,
Multi-hued delight.
Autumn took a wrong turn;
Colors we rarely see
In Tennessee -
How the hillsides burn!
New England's bright edge
Seen in each tree and hedge,
And bronze pumpkin sedge.
Still the colors remain -
A glorious stain
Until the next rain.
As each autumn returns
I know I will yearn
For sights such as these:
Crimson, scarlet reds,
Seen in each tree and hedge -
How it pierces my heart!
'Til the last golden leaves
Fall from the trees,
And their beauty departs.
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