The Dyslexic Writer - a Journalist Coping with Dyslexia - Yahoo

While I earn part of my income writing, I have a lot of trouble typing them due to my Dyslexia.

The Dyslexic Writer - a Journalist Coping with Dyslexia

When I was little, I was an avid reader, but it took me a long time to master writing certain letters and numbers, especially 3s, Es, Zs, Ns, and Ss. Today if I am very tired, I still get confused about which way Ns, Ss and Zs face. As I grew older, it became apparent I had some grasp of math, yet trying to add, subtract or multiply numbers longer than a couple of digits was a problem. And my entire life I have been easily tongue-tied. I know what I want to say in my head where complex thoughts swirl just wanting to come out, but somehow between my brain and my mouth and fingers, there is a barrier. I suffer from dyslexia and dyscalculia.

Read more: The Dyslexic Writer - a Journalist Coping with Dyslexia - Yahoo


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