Tom DeLay leaves Dancing with the Stars; safe but injured, DeLay announces DWTS departure
Dancing with the Stars Full of Surprises
Last night's "Dancing with the Stars" was full of surprises, and the biggest one was Tom DeLay's decision to dance even with stress fractures in both feet. As reported in Dancing with the Stars Tom DeLay fractures both feet; Super Trooper DeLay still a Wild Thing on DWTS, DeLay had recently learned he had a stress fracture in one foot. When the other foot started hurting, DeLay was informed he had stress fractures in BOTH feet!...
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At the beginning of tonight's "Dancing with the Stars" show, Samantha Harris...
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When the Dancing with the Stars Results Show started, my favorite dancing Christian underdogs, Kathy Ireland and...
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Kathy Ireland had another week to try to loosen up on the dance floor after being told she was safe last week. (See...
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Tonight's very short "Dancing with the Stars" started with a tribute to Patrick Swayze - a...
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Tom DeLay, former Republican House Majority Leader, has laid down his hammer and...
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