The Untold Harm of the "Transgender" Movement on Wives and Families


The burgeoning "transgender" movement in the United States shows no signs of being curtailed yet. Every time one visits social media...or just about any media...there is a plethora of propoganda promoting the "transgender" lifestyle. 

However, any comments or articles that seek to point out the numerous health, psychological and emotional problems with this movement and lifestyle are usually squashed pretty quickly under the banner of "tolerance." We are told we must accept and enable this behavior or we are intolerant haters for having thoughts outside the box of politically correct thought control.

We know we shouldn't enable alcoholics or drug addicts in their behavior, but this one we MUST accept and enable because "it doesn't hurt anyone." Believe me -- it hurts plenty of people, but no one wants to talk about that. 

Let's talk about the harm of the "transgender" movement.

As political pundit Matt Walsh explains, women and families often suffer terribly when men begin to act out on their unnatural desires to be accepted as women, but they are called bigots if they complain. The same is true if the wife decides to try to live as a man. Chaos usually ensues for her family.

Texas resident Tracy Shannon, a “trans widow,” details real consequences of the transgender movement during a sit-down interview with Daily Wire host Michael Knowles. She describes the heartbreak and loss she experienced, but then goes on to shre the devetating consequences her husband's actions had on her children

‘Trans Widow’ Details Dark Side Of Ideology In Interview With Michael Knowles
‘Trans Widow’ Details Dark Side Of Ideology In Interview With Michael Knowles

"Between the three of them, there have been six suicide attempts of different degrees of seriousness and one hospitalization in a mental health facility for a pretty good period of time, for one,” Shannon told Knowles. 

“And I’m being called the bigot, you know, for not wanting to be on board with all this, for not supporting it,” she added. “We used to protect children, we used to protect the family, and honor the truth.” 

A woman known as "Heartbroken Wife" details her journey into the dark side of the "transgender" lifestyle in the two articles below, including her own bouts with the depression and thoughts of suicide caused by her huband's actions.

Effect of the ‘Transgender’ Lifestyle on Spouses

~ The Effect of the “Transgender” Lifestyle on Their Spouses—Why spouses of those pursuing “transgenderism” need resources ~ I lost my husband in 2022. It took a year for him to pass. It was the hardest year of my life as I mourned the passing of my spouse the entire year. For although he is … Read more 

A Spouse’s Gender Dysphoria by Proxy

Photo by Sam Burriss on Unsplash

A heartbroken wife shares her grief over her husband’s gender dysphoria Updated May 26, 2022 You hear a lot about gender dysphoria today. Up until 2013 and continuing into 2017 in some publications, the condition of a man thinking he was a woman or a woman believing she was a man on the inside, was … Read more

Women are also loosing their safe spaces: restrooms, locker rooms, gym showers, dressing rooms as men dressed as women insist they have the right to invate these formerly safe places.

Women Oppose Transgender Laws

What is it about Baltimore County councilmember Tom Quirk? He sponsors a “gender identity” bill to legalize transvestite behavior with the result that cross-dressing men will be able to enter the ladies’ room. Then he fails to understand how this could be a problem.Naturally upset that they will be forced to share their bathrooms with … Read more

The "trangender" movement is harming women in other ways. Women are loosing their sports titles and awards and as well as sposorships to biological men dressed as women. Even high school and college sports awards and scholorships for girls are going to boys dressed as girls. Some people try to justify this by saying school athletic evens are "just for fun," but is it really fair for girls to lose athletic meets to boys and therefore, lose scholorships? Is it fair for women to lose sports titles and advertising sponsorships to men calling themselves women?


Companies Replacing Women with Men Dressed as Female: List

~ Companies replacing women with men: Why are businesses replacing real women with male caricatures of women in their ads? ~ Companies Replacing Women with Men Recently, a bunch of “woke” companies have jumped on the new bandwagon of businesses and brands hiring a “trans woman” instead of a real woman to promote their … Read more

Although proponents of the "transgender" movement try to claim that a large segment of the population has always been "trans" but hidden it, history does not bear this out.  Certainly there have been fringe groups that played with cross dressing throughout history, but except in cultures that were disintegrating, this behavior was never seen as normal or healthy. In our own culture as recently as 2017 prominant psychological and medical journals referred to "gender DISORDER" as something that required treatment, not acceptance. 
Interestingly, countries like Sweden that were once on the "cutting edge" of LGTB-alphabet rights has backed down on "trans" treatments for children. The New York Times reports, "After conducting evidence reviews, Finland has begun limiting who can access gender-related treatments and Sweden has restricted the use of puberty blockers and hormones to clinical trials." England and Norway followed in limiting the use of puberty blockers and "gender affirming" care. Here in America, it is business as usual, and a very profitable business it is. 
According to GlobalNewsWire, The Global Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Size accounted for USD $519,800,000 Million in 2022 and is estimated to achieve a market size of USD $3,171,300,000 by 2032. Who is paying for it? WE ALL ARE. Government programs funded by your tax dollars and higher insurance rates spread out among all of us cover this.
This is a lifestyle that costs us all. It effects EVERYONE. Wives pay a high price when their husbands decide they want to live as women. Depression and suicide rates for spouses and children go up. Women lose their sports awards, their sponsorships, their safe spaces to men pretending they are women. And we ALL pay the high cost pf enabling a delusion through providing expensive "gender-affirming" care. 
MANY people are detransitioning. The "trans" community claims this is untrue and the media downplays it, but more and more formerly "trans" victims regret the choices they made, seduced by our culture and the media into believing a lie. Many of them talk about the total lack of any real counseling before hormones and surgery as well as their resulting ruined bodies and lingering health issues.
The "trans" lifestyle is a travesty--it's a lie that brings in billions of dollars. It's a harmful mental disorder that is not being treated. The harmful aspects of enabling this disorder affect families, spouses and children. It ruins relationships, destroys marriages and creates a delusion that society wants to force us all to accept. Why? Because it brings in a lot of money while it promotes the destruction of the norms and traditions that made us a strong country, made up of strong men who wore the heavy mantel of manhood with courage and determination. By emasculating our men, we have become an emasculated nation, easy to lead and control.
God help us all.
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