Blue moon inspires walkers and hikers at Edwin Warner Park - Nashville Skin, Health & Beauty Examiner

Blue moon inspires walkers and hikers at Edwin Warner Park

Jack and I had a great time last night when  Michael D Hughes, hike leader and event coordinator from Cumberland Transit, led a group of more than 60 hikers from Nashville Hiking Meetup and other hiking and fitness groups on almost 4 miles of paved roads at Percy Warner Park for a special Blue Moon Hike.

The large group spilled into three parking areas around picnic shelter 9 off Vaughn Road at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, August 31.
 OK, so it's not really blue! A blue moon is the rare occurrence of a 2nd full moon in one month.

Hike details and photos at: Blue moon inspires walkers and hikers at Edwin Warner Park - Nashville Skin, Health & Beauty Examiner


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