My Birthday

Yesterday (December 19) was my birthday and if you must ask, I was 29... again! I had a very nice day - it actually started last night when my older cousin invited me up for my birthday/Christmas and fixed me my favorite meal, curried chicken. She used the recipe my mother brought back from India, so this is curry the way I like it best. It was so good, and she sent me home a casserole dish full! Of course I ate too much! Then I gave her grandkids the presents I had brought up, and it was worth the one-hour trip up just to watch them having so much fun with their presents!

Today some friends took me out for lunch downtown, and it was nice just catching up, and, yes, eating too much! It was Christmassy, too, with the decorations. Nashville is looking mighty festive!

Then tonight I had a dinner meeting with sword swallower Dan Meyer who caught me up on his exciting career and treated me to a birthday dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. The food was delicious! Why, yes! I DID eat too much! Thanks for asking! Dan has so many interesting projects in the works, you should all check out his MySpace page.

Then I found out the site Poets Who Blog had posted my poem Christmas in Iraq as the Poets Who Blog: The Seventh Day of Poetry for their "12 Days of Poetry" for Christmas!

To top it off, I got to work at Macy's until midnight! OK, so that wasn't the good part, but the rest of the day, except for my afternoon excursion to the DMV to renew my driver's license, was really nice!

Thanks to everyone who emailed, Twittered, posted, phoned, and sent cards! I have some of the nicest friends around!


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