Christmas in Iraq - a Christmas Poem for Our Soldiers - Yahoo

I wrote this poem eight years ago to slip in a package for a soldier and his troop I was sponsoring in Iraq. I posted it on MySpace, and before I knew it, it was showing up on hundreds of other MySpace pages, discussion boards, newsletters, radio stations and other places. My patriotic take on "Twas the Night Before Christmas" had gone viral! (I kept a scrapbook for a while but have not had a working printer since the Nashville flood.)

So here it is again for the eighth year, and I still hope the link to the verses is shared with all our military men and their families:

Christmas in Iraq - a Christmas Poem for Our Soldiers

Christmas in Iraq is a poem written for a soldier and his troop I sponsored in Iraq in 2005. It is my hope that this poem and others like it will be forwarded to our military men and women during the Christmas season so they will know they are not forgotten during the holidays.

Read it at: Christmas in Iraq - a Christmas Poem for Our Soldiers - Yahoo


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